Guangzhou Aokewei assists Guangdong Yixin Charity Foundation to carry out visits to students

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Guangzhou Aokewei assists Guangdong Yixin Charity Foundation to carry out visits to students

Guangzhou Aukewel participated in the provincial charity auction event for charity

On November 9, 2019, the third service team of Guangdong Yixin Charity Foundation held a charity auction event with the theme of "carrying the goodness and working together" at the Changlong International Convention and Exhibition Center. Xu Lian, chairman of Guangzhou Okovy , General Manager Yang Bo and a number of middle-level managers and customers attended the event to jointly contribute to the charity cause.

Alcovey joins hands with partners to fight the epidemic together

2020 is a special year. In the face of the current severe situation of the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, we earnestly implement the national decision and deployment, care for employees, care about society, and regard epidemic prevention and control as the most important work at present , Resolutely help win the fight against the epidemic.