On August 1st Army Day, pay tribute to Chinese soldiers!


Company News

Time of issue:   2022-07-08 14:05:35.376

On August 1st Army Day, pay tribute to Chinese soldiers!




93 years ago today

A gunshot shot at the head of Nanchang

A new type of People’s Army led by the Communist Party of China was born in China

A single spark has set a prairie fire ever since


93年前的今天 南昌城头一声枪响 中国诞生了中国共产党领导的新型人民军队 星星之火,自此燎原


They use firm ideals and beliefs

Conquer the snow-capped mountains and meadows and continue the Chinese revolution

They use simple weapons

Resist foreign aggression and save the nation from peril

They are not afraid of disparity in strength

Go abroad to compete with the most powerful enemy

For the new republic

Won a peaceful development environment


他们 就是最可爱的人 是我们英雄的人民军队



Is the cutest person

Is our hero's people's army


 93载时光荏苒 如今你再看 铁流滚滚,锐不可当 碧海波涛,迈向深蓝 长空砺剑,决胜苍穹 东风浩荡,使命必达 “我们党为拥有这样的英雄军队感到骄傲和自豪! 全国各族人民为拥有这样的英雄军队感到骄傲和自豪!”


93 years of time flies

Now you look again

The iron is billowing, unstoppable

Blue sea waves, towards deep blue

The sky sharpens the sword and wins the sky

The east wind is mighty, the mission must be reached

"Our party is proud and proud of having such a heroic army!

People of all ethnic groups in the country are proud and proud of having such a heroic army! "


 93载时光荏苒 如今你再看 铁流滚滚,锐不可当 碧海波涛,迈向深蓝 长空砺剑,决胜苍穹 东风浩荡,使命必达 “我们党为拥有这样的英雄军队感到骄傲和自豪! 全国各族人民为拥有这样的英雄军队感到骄傲和自豪!”


The August 1st Army Day is coming soon, let us pay tribute to them!

pay tribute! A mighty teacher!

go ahead! Chinese People's Liberation Army!

(Copyright statement: The picture comes from Photograph)


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